CIT Program

Counselor in Training (CIT)

Leadership Program

Quinebarge always hopes our campers will continue on as staff after they age-out of being campers. Our CIT program is designed for rising 11th and 12th graders, typically 16-17 year olds, and is the gateway to being staff in college and beyond. The goal is to transition campers into counselors, creating responsible and independent young leaders who can contribute positively to Camp Quinebarge and their community. Campers training to be staff bring unique qualities to Quinebarge: notably, they understand camp, have lots of camp spirit and feel Quinebarge is their summer home. They are positive role models within our camp community, and should help foster community and a love of Camp. The program also serves as a summer long job interview for those who want to work as counselors in the future.

Camp Quinebarge’s CIT Leadership Program focuses on three areas, all of which are important for the older members of our camper community:

  • Cabin and Activity Support
  • Leadership Development
  • Legacy Projects

CITs live in camper cabins, with 2-3 counselors to guide them. They attend activities and also create projects. They help out in the cabins and assist at activities and on trips. As a group they may lead an Evening Activity or camp fire and are always expected to show maturity and serve as an example to the younger campers. In return they earn plenty of perks along the way, including a two-day CIT Graduation Trip during the third session of camp.


(In some instances these requirements may be waived. Please contact us with any questions.)

2025 Dates and Rates

CIT 6 Week Program – $ 9300 – Sessions 1, 2, & 3

CIT 8 Week Program – $ 11700 – All Sessions

Dates and rates include all day trips and overnight trips, excursions, and CIT shirts. If you are in need of a scholarship, please reach out to us at Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis for those that qualify, and are partial only, as all families must share in at least a portion of the tuition.

Cabin and Activity Support

unnamed (1)CITs are assigned an activity or role to assist in each week. Every CIT participates in as many activities as possible, though they may be assigned according to that CIT’s skills and likes. During activities, CITs both assist and learn the ins and outs of leading and managing the activities, while serving under that activity’s counselor(s). In essence, they are apprentices, training to become masters (counselors) in the future. During meals, CITs are positive role models for meal behavior, and help the counselors to calm or quiet the campers, and encourage proper behavior, manners, and appropriate discussion.

CITs also help out in their cabins for Cabin Cleanup in the morning, Rest Period after lunch, and Cabin Time, Candle Pass and Lights Out at night. This means helping their cabin counselors to ensure that campers are out of bed and ready for breakfast in the morning; making sure kids remain on task during Cabin Cleanup; keeping the peace during Rest Period; and assisting the cabin counselors in getting their campers from Evening Activity, through the bedtime routine, showers and into bed in time for Lights Out.

Leadership Training

CITs also attend daily Leadership meetings, activities and games with the Directors, CIT directors and other members of Senior Staff. They mostly occur during the 4PM activity period where they will learn about various leadership themes. In practical terms, CITs are expected to be leaders and role models at all times; they set a good example during campfires, meals, and activities, and assist the counselors during activities, trips, and cabin times.

CITs also lead our camp-wide July 4th Tommy Henshaw Day.

Legacy Projects

Each summer, the CIT group chooses and executes a few Legacy Projects, which they plan and execute as a group. This project will be something that gives back to Camp Quinebarge, and will have a lasting impact. Previous projects include our Gaga Pit, the CIT Garden and Monkeytown fire pit.

School Volunteer Hours

CITs and older campers who have service or volunteer hour requirements for school may complete some of those hours while at camp. We work with parents and participants to develop and facilitate projects that are educational and meaningful, while meeting the needs of school requirements. Service opportunities range from helping with check-in, to mentoring younger campers during activities, to projects such as building fire pits, based on the skills and needs of participants. For more information on volunteer hours, please contact us at

Daily Schedule

7:30 AM Wake Up Bell Helping your cabin counselor to get the campers out of bed, dressed, teeth brushed, waiter out first, and everyone on time.
8:00 AM Breakfast Engaging campers and ensure they use proper manners and language.
8:30 AM Cabin Clean-Up Keeping campers on task with their daily chores -sweeping, trash removal, checking the grounds and line, tidying the bathroom- and make sure your area is neat, too!
9:00 AM Apprenticeships at Weekly Assignments Assisting activity counselors by making sure campers behave and participate, cheering them on, and sometimes leading a game, activity, or lesson!
1:00 PM Lunch Talking to campers about their mornings, and making sure polite manners and language are used.
1:30 PM Rest Period Helping your counselor make sure campers are in their cabin areas and own cabins, assisting with letter writing, or playing quietly with the kids.
2:30 PM General Swim Swimming or relaxing on the beach, while helping to keep an eye on nearby swimmers or kids on land.
4:00 PM Projects and Leadership CIT’s will spend this time learning about leadership or working on various projects: prepping events, setting up for special activities, or creating a Legacy Project that will last decades!
6:00 PM Dinner Ensuring that campers are eating enough and getting their veggies, encouraging polite language and behavior.
7:00 PM Evening Activity Assist counselors in directing the activity, participating energetically while engaging campers.
8:00 PM Friendship Circle / Cabin Time Participate in bedtime routines with counselors and campers
9:30 PM Social Time Enjoy winding down from the day alongside the staff that you have worked so hard with all day and all summer. Participate in staff games and events and share all the hilarious stories from the day. (Electronics!!!)
11:00 PM Lights Out! Get ready for tomorrow!

Free time for CITs occurs during General Swim, when they can participate as campers, and one afternoon a week out of camp. CIT-specific trips may be scheduled for additional time to bond as a group. CITs also receive social time in the evenings after Lights Out.

To learn more about the Camp Quinebarge CIT Leadership Program, please contact us at