After Camp
Learning About Your Child’s Experience
Something that will help you to understand your camper’s experience is to ask them questions on the way home, or shortly following Camp. Asking leading, rather than yes/no, questions is the best bet to help them open up about everything.
Lost and Found Items
We will strive to return labelled personal items to campers in person or by mail following the close of the season. If you leave something behind and believe it may not have been labelled, please contact us by phone or email and we’ll do our best to get it back to you. Likewise, if your find items that are not your child’s please let us know so we can get them to their owners. While we can’t promise nothing will get lost at camp, labeling everything is your best route to make sure your belongings make it home.
Preparing for Next Year
We open up the next year’s registration each fall, so please register early to ensure a spot in the session that you want.
If your family received a significant discount or campership and would like to talk about future financial aid, please contact our office prior to the new year. We want to be accessible for all of our campers and their families, but have limited numbers of camperships, so getting started early is key.