Summer Camps with no screen time

Get off the Phone and Get Outside 

Camp Quinebarge welcomes kids from all around the world every year and every year kids become their best selves without the technology. They learn to interact with kids of all backgrounds and all ages. With a jam packed activities schedule and evening programing schedule our campers forget about  their phones and tablets because they are having so much fun! We find that having a unplugged policy, activities, and cabins by age make Quinebarge a premier summer camp with no technology

What is “Unplugged”?

At Quinebarge we have a policy called unplugged which means that all technology must be left at home. No cell phones, tablets, or computers. We do allow MP3 players as long as they do not have video capability. The reason for our unplugged policy is that we find that having screen time takes away from the camp experience.

Activities for Everyone

Quinebarge has been known for fun and everlasting friendship for over 80 years. Our campers get the opportunity to customize their own schedules every week. We find that giving our campers the opportunity to make their own schedule only sets them up to succeed at Quinebarge. Campers are constantly having fun all day and everyday.

Cabins by Age

When deciding what cabin your son our daughter is going to be in Quinebarge looks at what age they are and what cabin mates they have requested.  We put the campers best interest first so that they can make a lot of friends the same age. Our trained staff do ice breakers and get to know you games early so that making friends is fast and easy!